About the Program

Upon the subject of education... I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in.

-Abraham Lincoln

Life is about opportunity and what we do with the opportunities that come in front of us.

Utah Boys State is about opportunity.  The Counselors & Staff that volunteer to conduct the program are excited for the opportunity to play a small, but significantly important part in the story of your life.  We don't just provide a uniquely positive, workshop and learning environment, our specialty is helping you build memories to last a lifetime.

At this moment in your life, opportunity is knocking, will you recognize it and seize upon it?

Take a minute to review what opportunity looks like:

A once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in a fun, week-long summer youth program, the likes of which you'll never get a second chance to take advantage of.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to cement a unique and powerful line item on your resume that will open doors that at this point, you can't imagine even exist.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to make lifelong friends and network and bond with peers from all across the state that you'll otherwise never meet.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to see what it's like living on a college campus.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to have more fun while earning three college credits than you'll ever have in a typical college class, and, you'll do it in just one week at an absolute fraction of the normal cost.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to forever stand out.  Every year there are thousands of eligible high school boys across the state of Utah, only 300 will take the opportunity to participate and earn the title Utah Boys State Alumni.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to learn how to citizen, and be a part of something bigger than self.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to earn lifelong bragging rights, and join a very limited nationwide community of Boys State graduates.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to earn a respected place in your community, and have the tools needed to lead the multitude of your generation.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to invest your time in a high value, tangible product that will pay you lifelong dividends.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to mark your calendar for January 3, 2023 and register on that day.

A once in a lifetime opportunity to disregard our offer and miss out on what some call a life changing experience.

The choice is yours.

Experienced Staff Members


Boys State is an opportunity for our sons, grandsons and other young men in our lives to experience a hands-on practical education in how our system of government in Utah is designed to work.  Granted it is a fairly intense few days where boys are immersed in the inner workings of city, county and state government along with relevant leadership opportunities.  Boys are informed and often entertained by some of the best minds belonging to some of the most qualified and respected public figures in our state.  Veterans, first responders, educators, legal scholars all volunteer their time, talent and most importantly real-life experiences to secure a better understanding in our young men, of the duties and responsibilities, rights and privileges of American Citizenship.

The difference between school and life?  In school, you're taught a lesson then given a test.  In life you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.

-Tom Bodett


The Boys State program is a nationwide summer youth education program designed to augment high school civics.  It is considered a premier, once in a lifetime opportunity, often referred to as a week that will influence/change the life of a young man.

A better tomorrow always begins with educators and your influence toward a more informed citizenry.  Please invite the boys of your school to take the opportunity to learn about, investigate and potentially participate in the Utah Boys State program.  All boys that complete our course will receive three semester hours of elective college credit transferrable to nearly every college or university in the country; exceptional opportunity to receive scholarships, (see our scholarship tab for specifics) meet/associate & bond with boys from across the state, building life-long friendships all while learning a lot about our state government and even more about themselves.

IMG_5894 Food Line

...Men (and women) make history and not the other way around.  In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.  Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better...

- Harry S. Truman



On behalf of the staff of The American Legion Department of Utah Boys State program, we express our most sincere appreciation and deepest respect to all the members of the Legion for your service, and continuing contribution to the betterment of this great nation.  We are a better nation because of veterans such as yourselves doing great work in your communities; engaged in youth activities, education, veteran's assistance programs and so much more.

As members of the Legion, Veterans of the Armed Forces, we each hold dearly our commitment to the ideals of Americanism.  We do not take lightly our self-imposed obligation to ensure we've done our part in living up to and promoting love of flag, patriotism and democracy.  Please stand with us in support of the Great Americans that started the Boys State program, and with the many Great Americans that continue in their stead.  The choice is clear, and our nation's youth deserve nothing less than our best effort.  God bless you and thanks for your service.

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