As a Boys State attendee, you will be expected to agree and follow the below policies. Upon completion of your registration, you will receive an email informing you that your registration is complete.
Eligibility Requirements
- Have completed your junior year (11th grade) and be eligible for attendance at least one semester as a High School Senior.
- Have an academic rating of 2.0 GPA or higher.
- Maintain good citizenship within your community.
- Agree to abide by all of the rules of the Utah Boys State program and those of Weber State University.
- Agree to full curriculum participation.
- The deadline to complete online registration is April 15th, 2025.
Complete and forward the application packet (including the fee of $350.00) postmarked no later than April 20th, 2025 and mail directly to:
PO Box 187
Kaysville, UT 84037-0187
Completed/Submitted Application
(1) Registers the student as a Utah Boys State Class of 2025 student citizen; provides for the student to receive three (3) semester credit hours of Political Sciences college credit. All course material for the college credit is provided as part of the Utah Boys State class curriculum, and credits received from Weber State University upon completion are transferable to other universities. The student will receive three semester hours of credit only upon satisfactory completion of the American Legions Utah Boys State program.
The application must be completed, signed by the applicant, his parents/guardians, and school officials. The applicant should then conduct an interview with a local American Legion Post. (Find a local Post at Once all interviews and appropriate signatures are obtained, the application is then sent to the American Legion Utah Boys State Administrative Coordinator.
Requirements for Boys State Participants to Receive WSU Credit
In order to earn POLS 2920 credit, you will need to complete and/or participate in all of the stated requirements below:
Participate in activities as a Utah Boys State citizen
Vote in all Utah Boys State elections
Maintain standards of honesty, integrity and abide by all rules and regulations.
Please Read Carefully
I understand the Utah Boys State WSU Credit Program is in compliance with WSU policies and procedures. Accordingly, I am not a matriculated full-time Weber State University student as a result of my participation in the Utah Boy State WSU Credit Program. I understand there are no "letter grades" assigned. I understand that grades earned in the Boys State Program will be officially recorded on a WSU transcript. I may request credit be transferred to another institution, but acceptance of said credits will be at the prerogative of that institution. I further understand that credits are classified as "elective". If I plan to attend WSU as a full-time matriculated student after high school, I may be required to submit additional admission information, ensure an admission fee has been paid, and submit updated high school transcripts to the WSU Admissions Office.